
Digital Banking services simplified for better experience.

SBI Mobile application redesigned mockup
SBI Mobile application redesigned mockup
SBI Mobile application redesigned mockup


Case Study


4 Weeks


UI/UX Design


YONO, the flagship digital banking app by State Bank of India (SBI), aspires to be the ultimate financial companion. This all-encompassing platform empowers users to manage accounts, book travel, shop online, and pay bills – all conveniently from their smartphones (available on both Android and iOS). However, extensive user research uncovered a gap between YONO's potential and the user experience it delivered.

Existing app screens
Existing app screens
Existing app screens

Process Followed

I implemented a meticulous design process for each feature:

  1. User Research & Empathy Building: The foundation of the redesign was user research. User interviews, surveys, and usability testing sessions helped me understand user pain points, expectations, and mental models for navigating a banking app.

  2. Information Architecture Revamp: Backed with user insights, the app's information architecture underwent a significant overhaul. This involved restructuring content, categorizing features logically, and creating clear navigation pathways. The goal was to make it effortless for users to find what they need.

  3. Wireframing & Prototyping Iterations: Low-fidelity wireframes, essentially visual blueprints for the app's screens, were created to map out user flows and test initial design concepts. These wireframes were iteratively refined based on user feedback and usability testing, ensuring a smooth and intuitive user experience.

  4. Visual Refresh: The UI was redesigned with a focus on minimalism and clarity. Unnecessary elements were removed, and a visual hierarchy was established to guide users' attention.

  5. Accessibility: Accessibility was paramount. The redesigned app adhered to WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) to ensure an inclusive experience for users with disabilities.

Process followed while designing the Product

Key Takeaways

YONO App's outcome solidified my passion for user-centered design and its ability to transform complex tasks into effortless experiences. It highlighted the importance of accessibility and competitive analysis in creating a product that empowers users and thrives in the market.


User-centered design is key

YONO's makeover taught me that design thrives when it listens to what users actually need.


First steps, big lessons

This project was my design bootcamp, showing me the power of iteration and the importance of a strong design process.


Empathy fuels innovation

By truly understanding user struggles, I learned to create solutions that are both useful and delightful.


The user research unveiled several key challenges hindering YONO's user-friendliness and brand connection:


Poor Navigation

Users reported difficulty navigating the app. Finding specific features and functionalities became a frustrating maze, hindering their ability to efficiently utilize YONO's vast array of services.


Digital Disconnect

Digital Disconnect: Mya & Friends lacked a website entirely. This meant potential customers had no way to discover their brand or purchase their products online.


Digital Disconnect

Digital Disconnect: Mya & Friends lacked a website entirely. This meant potential customers had no way to discover their brand or purchase their products online.


Information Overload

Unidentified Identity

The user interface (UI) was cluttered with unnecessary elements, creating a sense of overwhelm for users. This visual overload detracted from the overall user experience, making it difficult for users to focus on completing tasks or exploring YONO's functionalities.

Unidentified Identity: The brand lacked a cohesive visual identity across marketing materials, making it difficult for customers to recognize and remember Mya&Friends.


Unidentified Identity

Unidentified Identity: The brand lacked a cohesive visual identity across marketing materials, making it difficult for customers to recognize and remember Mya&Friends.


Disconnected Brand Identity

The user experience didn't fully resonate with SBI's brand identity. Users didn't feel a strong connection to the bank while using the app, missing out on the opportunity to build brand loyalty within the digital space.


Branding Blindspot

Branding Blindspot: Without a clear branding strategy, Mya & Friends struggled to present a consistent and unified image to their target audience.


Branding Blindspot

Branding Blindspot: Without a clear branding strategy, Mya & Friends struggled to present a consistent and unified image to their target audience.

play store reviews from users
play store reviews from users
play store reviews from users

Process Followed

I implemented a meticulous design process for each feature:

  1. User Research & Empathy Building: The foundation of the redesign was user research. User interviews, surveys, and usability testing sessions helped me understand user pain points, expectations, and mental models for navigating a banking app.

  2. Information Architecture Revamp: Backed with user insights, the app's information architecture underwent a significant overhaul. This involved restructuring content, categorizing features logically, and creating clear navigation pathways. The goal was to make it effortless for users to find what they need.

  3. Wireframing & Prototyping Iterations: Low-fidelity wireframes, essentially visual blueprints for the app's screens, were created to map out user flows and test initial design concepts. These wireframes were iteratively refined based on user feedback and usability testing, ensuring a smooth and intuitive user experience.

  4. Visual Refresh: The UI was redesigned with a focus on minimalism and clarity. Unnecessary elements were removed, and a visual hierarchy was established to guide users' attention.

  5. Accessibility: Accessibility was paramount. The redesigned app adhered to WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) to ensure an inclusive experience for users with disabilities.

Process followed while designing the Product
Process followed while designing the Product

Ideation which took place

User research revealed pain points, and it was time for me to translate those findings into a user-centric experience. I conducted brainstorming sessions, sketching out various information architecture options to streamline navigation and make features easily discoverable. User flows were mapped, visualizing how users would move through the app to accomplish tasks. I examined other leading banking apps, identifying design patterns and best practices that could enhance the YONO experience. By understanding what other players were doing well (and not so well), I could leverage those insights to inform my design decisions and ensure YONO stood out in the crowded market.

Competitive analysis
Competitive analysis
Competitive analysis

Project Outcome

By listening to what users said they struggled with, like getting lost in menus and too much clutter, I redesigned the app to be easy to navigate. Imagine walking into a familiar store instead of a maze – that's the feeling I wanted with YONO. Information is now crystal clear and organized, so finding what you need to pay bills, book a flight, or check your account is fast and easy. The design is clean and modern, reflecting the SBI brand in a way that feels inviting. This user-friendly makeover isn't just about looks – it's about empowering users to use with ease, right from their phones.

  • User flow of the application
  • Wireframes
  • UI Screens revamped
  • Mobile app mockup
  • User flow of the application
  • Wireframes
  • UI Screens revamped
  • Mobile app mockup
  • User flow of the application
  • Wireframes
  • UI Screens revamped
  • Mobile app mockup

Key Takeaways

YONO App's outcome solidified my passion for user-centered design and its ability to transform complex tasks into effortless experiences. It highlighted the importance of accessibility and competitive analysis in creating a product that empowers users and thrives in the market.


User-centered design is key

YONO's makeover taught me that design thrives when it listens to what users actually need.


Integrated Expertise

Mya & Friends showcases the synergy between branding and UX design. Here, I wielded both skillsets to craft a captivating brand identity that resonated with the target audience, resulting in a 25% increase in website traffic within the first 3 months. Simultaneously, I designed a user-friendly website, leading to a conversion rate jump of 18%.


First steps, big lessons

Cohesive Brand Experience

This project was my design bootcamp, showing me the power of iteration and the importance of a strong design process.

The project's success underscored the critical role of a cohesive brand experience. Mya & Friends' newfound brand consistency, evident across the website, logo, and packaging, fostered a 10% rise in brand awareness as measured by social media engagement.


Empathy fuels innovation

By truly understanding user struggles, I learned to create solutions that are both useful and delightful.


Design Passion Reinforced

Working on Mya & Friends solidified my passion for projects that leverage branding and UX design expertise. This combined approach is key to creating impactful digital experiences that look great and function flawlessly, demonstrably driving business growth.

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