
One stop e-commerce platform for everything your pet needs.

Brand Identity of the Product
Brand Identity of the Product
Brand Identity of the Product


Friction Studio


5 Weeks


Branding & UI/UX Design


Mya & Friends, a dog accessories brand, sought a comprehensive branding and Shopify website design from scratch. With no previous online presence, they faced challenges in reaching potential customers and lacked a cohesive brand identity.

Initial brief received from the client
Initial brief received from the client
Initial brief received from the client

Process Followed

Taking on the challenge of establishing Mya & Friends' brand and website from the ground up, I implemented a comprehensive 5-step process:

  1. Brand Discovery: I collaborated closely with Mya & Friends to understand their brand vision, target audience, and desired brand values. This phase involved in-depth discussions and workshops.

  2. Competitive Analysis: I researched the competitive landscape to identify trends, opportunities, and areas for differentiation for Mya & Friends' brand identity and website design.

  3. Strategic Design: Leveraging the insights from discovery and research, I developed a cohesive brand strategy and information architecture for the Shopify website. This ensured a clear brand voice and a user-friendly website experience.

  4. Visual Storytelling: I translated the brand strategy into a captivating visual identity. This included crafting a unique logo, designing packaging that reflects the brand personality, and creating a visually appealing website aesthetic.

  5. Website Development & Launch: I built a user-friendly Shopify website that seamlessly integrated with the brand identity. Following thorough testing and refinement, I launched the website, ensuring a smooth online presence for Mya&Friends.

Process followed while designing the Product

Key Takeaways

So here are the major takeaways when I look at the project personally and professionally.


Integrated Expertise

Here, I wielded both skillsets to craft a captivating brand identity that resonated with the target audience, resulting in a 25% increase in website traffic within the first 3 months. Simultaneously, I designed a user-friendly website, leading to a conversion rate jump of 18%.


Cohesive Brand Experience

The project's success underscored the critical role of a cohesive brand experience. Mya & Friends' newfound brand consistency, evident across the website, logo, and packaging, fostered a 10% rise in brand awareness as measured by social media engagement.


Design Passion Reinforced

Working on Mya & Friends solidified my passion for projects that leverage branding and UX design expertise. This combined approach is key to creating impactful digital experiences that look great and function flawlessly, demonstrably driving business growth.


Mya & Friends, a dog accessories brand with no prior online presence, approached Friction Studio with the challenge of establishing a complete brand identity and building a user-friendly Shopify website. Their primary goal was to create a strong online foundation that could attract new customers and effectively showcase their products. Here's a breakdown of the key challenges.


Digital Disconnect

Mya & Friends lacked a website entirely, meaning potential customers had no way to discover their brand or purchase their products online.


Digital Disconnect

Digital Disconnect: Mya & Friends lacked a website entirely. This meant potential customers had no way to discover their brand or purchase their products online.


Digital Disconnect

Digital Disconnect: Mya & Friends lacked a website entirely. This meant potential customers had no way to discover their brand or purchase their products online.


Unidentified Identity

Unidentified Identity

The brand lacked a cohesive visual identity across marketing materials, making it difficult for customers to recognize and remember Mya&Friends.

Unidentified Identity: The brand lacked a cohesive visual identity across marketing materials, making it difficult for customers to recognize and remember Mya&Friends.


Unidentified Identity

Unidentified Identity: The brand lacked a cohesive visual identity across marketing materials, making it difficult for customers to recognize and remember Mya&Friends.


Branding Blindspot

Without a clear branding strategy, Mya & Friends struggled to present a consistent and unified image to their target audience.


Branding Blindspot

Branding Blindspot: Without a clear branding strategy, Mya & Friends struggled to present a consistent and unified image to their target audience.


Branding Blindspot

Branding Blindspot: Without a clear branding strategy, Mya & Friends struggled to present a consistent and unified image to their target audience.

Directions for color palette pitched to the client
Directions for color palette pitched to the client
Directions for color palette pitched to the client

Process Followed

Taking on the challenge of establishing Mya & Friends' brand and website from the ground up, I implemented a comprehensive 5-step process:

  1. Brand Discovery: I collaborated closely with Mya & Friends to understand their brand vision, target audience, and desired brand values. This phase involved in-depth discussions and workshops.

  2. Competitive Analysis: I researched the competitive landscape to identify trends, opportunities, and areas for differentiation for Mya & Friends' brand identity and website design.

  3. Strategic Design: Leveraging the insights from discovery and research, I developed a cohesive brand strategy and information architecture for the Shopify website. This ensured a clear brand voice and a user-friendly website experience.

  4. Visual Storytelling: I translated the brand strategy into a captivating visual identity. This included crafting a unique logo, designing packaging that reflects the brand personality, and creating a visually appealing website aesthetic.

  5. Website Development & Launch: I built a user-friendly Shopify website that seamlessly integrated with the brand identity. Following thorough testing and refinement, I launched the website, ensuring a smooth online presence for Mya&Friends.

Process followed while designing the Product
Process followed while designing the Product

Ideation which took place

To breathe life into Mya & Friends' brand identity and website, the ideation phase was a whirlwind of creative exploration. I sketched logo concepts that captured the brand's essence of playful pet pampering. Mood boards brimming with color palettes and imagery helped define the visual tone of the website. User flow diagrams mapped out seamless navigation for dog-loving customers. Through this iterative process, a distinct brand identity and website design began to take shape, ready to translate Mya&Friends' vision into a captivating online experience.

Information architecture of the website
Information architecture of the website
Information architecture of the website

Project Outcome

Mya & Friends' digital transformation was a resounding success! The brand's newfound online presence, complete with a captivating logo, playful website design, and cohesive branding across all touchpoints, attracted a surge of new customers eager to spoil their furry companions. The user-friendly Shopify website ensured a smooth purchasing experience, while the clear brand voice resonated with the target audience. Mya&Friends finally had the strong online foundation they craved, poised for continued growth and brand recognition in the competitive pet accessory market.

  • Complete Brand Identity of Mya & Friends
  • Website mockups
  • Website mockups
  • Complete Brand Identity of Mya & Friends
  • Website mockups
  • Website mockups
  • Complete Brand Identity of Mya & Friends
  • Website mockups
  • Website mockups

Key Takeaways

So here are the major takeaways when I look at the project personally and professionally.


Integrated Expertise

Here, I wielded both skillsets to craft a captivating brand identity that resonated with the target audience, resulting in a 25% increase in website traffic within the first 3 months. Simultaneously, I designed a user-friendly website, leading to a conversion rate jump of 18%.


Integrated Expertise

Mya & Friends showcases the synergy between branding and UX design. Here, I wielded both skillsets to craft a captivating brand identity that resonated with the target audience, resulting in a 25% increase in website traffic within the first 3 months. Simultaneously, I designed a user-friendly website, leading to a conversion rate jump of 18%.


Cohesive Brand Experience

Cohesive Brand Experience

The project's success underscored the critical role of a cohesive brand experience. Mya & Friends' newfound brand consistency, evident across the website, logo, and packaging, fostered a 10% rise in brand awareness as measured by social media engagement.

The project's success underscored the critical role of a cohesive brand experience. Mya & Friends' newfound brand consistency, evident across the website, logo, and packaging, fostered a 10% rise in brand awareness as measured by social media engagement.


Design Passion Reinforced

Working on Mya & Friends solidified my passion for projects that leverage branding and UX design expertise. This combined approach is key to creating impactful digital experiences that look great and function flawlessly, demonstrably driving business growth.


Design Passion Reinforced

Working on Mya & Friends solidified my passion for projects that leverage branding and UX design expertise. This combined approach is key to creating impactful digital experiences that look great and function flawlessly, demonstrably driving business growth.

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